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Anunciados os finalistas do Architectural Photography Awards 2019


O Architectural Photography Awards 2019 divulgou a lista de finalistas de suas seis categorias, que compreendem exterior, interior, sentido de espaço, edifícios em uso, mobile (fotos feitas com celular), e portfólio. Patrocinado pela Sto e apoiado pelo World Architecture Festival (WAF), o prêmio deste ano contou com quase dois mil inscritos de 42 países.

Em sua oitava edição, o Architectural Photography Awards "destaca a experiência da fotografia de arquitetura e visa focar na habilidade e criatividade do fotógrafo". Para cada uma das seis categorias, quatro fotografias foram escolhidas para fazer parte da lista de finalistas. A categoria Mobile focou na questão do abrigo, e a categoria Portfólio abordou a habitação social.

As fotografias serão exibidas no WAF em Amsterdã de 4 a 6 de dezembro, onde os visitantes poderão votar nos vencedores, que, por sua vez, serão anunciados durante o Jantar de Gala do WAF na sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro. A votação pública da categoria Mobile está aberta até às 12h da sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro. Este ano, os jurados foram convidados a enxergar além da arquitetura, considerar a composição, o equilíbrio e a sensibilidade dos fotógrafos. Veja, a seguir, os quatro finalistas de cada categoria.

Categoria Exterior

Generali Tower, Milan, Italy by Zaha Hadid shot by Marco Tagliarino. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Guardian Art Center, Beijing, China by Büro Ole Scheeren shot by Aurelien Chen. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
China Resources Headquarters, Shenzhen, China by Kohn Pedersen Fox shot by Su Zhewei. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
The Twist Museum, Kistefos Sculpture Park, Jevnaker, Norway by Bjarke Ingels Group shot by Laurian Ghinitoiu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019

Categoria Interior

The reflection of the main hall in a glass case at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London shot by Thomas Knowles. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Grundtvig's Church, Copenhagen, Denmark by Peder Jensen-Klint shot by Joris Hoogstede. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Grundtvig's Church, Copenhagen, Denmark by Peder Jensen-Klint shot by Joris Hoogstede. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Hill of the Buddha, Makomanai Takino Cemetery Sapporo, Japan by Tadao Ando shot by Vincent Wu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019

Categoria Sense of Place

The Twist Museum, Kistefos Sculpture Park, Jevnaker, Norway by Bjarke Ingels Group shot by Laurian Ghinitoiu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
The Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal by Amanda Levete shot by Inge Schuster. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Housing in Irkutsk, Russia shot by Ma ChengRong. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Aerial view of the Camp Adventure Observation Tower, Gisselfeld Klosters Forest, Denmark by EFFEKT shot by Marco de Groot. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019

Categoria Buildings in Use

An office building in Tokyo, Japan shot by Yi-Hsien Lee. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
The Schmela Haus, Dusseldorf, Germany by Aldo van Eyck shot by Mohammad Almudhhi. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Skanderbeg Square, Tirana, Albania by 51N4E shot by Laurian Ghinitoiu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
The Vessel, New York City, USA by Heatherwick Studio shot by Joan Muñoz Arango. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019

Categoria Portfolio

Bairro da Bouça, Porto, Portugal by Álvaro Siza Vieira shot by Claire Tucker. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Pingdingshan Farmhouse, Pingdingshan, Henang, China by TJAD Original Design Studio shot by Zhang Yong. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Social housing in Cuba shot by Inge Schuster. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
GHI transformation project - part of the' Cité du Grand Parc' in Bordeaux, France by Lacaton & Vassal, Druot, Hutin shot by Laurian Ghinitoiu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019

Categoria Mobile

Seoul City Wall Visitor Pavilion, Seoul, Korea by Jo Jinman Architects shot by Jim Kostecky. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Hill of the Buddha, Makomanai Takino Cemetery Sapporo, Japan by Tadao Ando shot by Vincent Wu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Napavilions, Xi'an, China by Geoffrey von Oeyen shot by Tan Xiao. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Bathing Pavilion Tossols-Basil, Olot, Spain by RCR Arquitectes shot by Tzu Chin Yu. Image Courtesy of The Architectural Photography Awards 2019
Sobre este autor
Cita: Harrouk, Christele. "Anunciados os finalistas do Architectural Photography Awards 2019" [Shortlist Announced for the Architectural Photography Awards 2019] 07 Nov 2019. ArchDaily Brasil. (Trad. Baratto, Romullo) Acessado 19 Fev 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8906

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