A Comissão Europeia e a Fundació Mies van der Rohe anunciaram a lista de projetos indicados para o Prêmio da União Europeia de Arquitetura Contemporânea / Prêmio Mies van der Rohe 2024. Este ano, 362 projetos de arquitetura construídos em 38 países foram selecionados, marcando a primeira fase da 18ª edição do EUmies Awards. A próxima etapa consiste na seleção de 40 finalistas, seguida de visitas às obras e entrevistas com os arquitetos e equipes responsáveis.
O EUmies Awards 2024 tem como objetivo reconhecer as melhores obras construídas na Europa entre abril de 2021 e maio de 2023. A seleção dos projetos reflete as mudanças atuais no contexto europeu, com a crescente atenção à consciência ambiental, social e econômica expressa através da arquitetura, paisagismo, planejamento urbano e design. O júri deste ano é presidido por Frédéric Druot (Paris/Bordeaux) e composto por Martin Braathen (Oslo), Pippo Ciorra (Roma), Tinatin Gurgenidze (Tbilisi/Berlim), Adriana Krnáčová (Praga), Sala Makumbundu (Luxemburgo) e Hrvoje Njiric (Zagreb).
Conheça a seguir os 362 indicados ao EUmies Awards 2024, organizados por país.

- Pyramid of Tirana / MVRDV, iRI
- METEOR PUBLIC SPACE / IXI architecture
- ''Lasgush Poradeci'' Secondary School, Tirana / ASArchitects
- National Theatre of Opera, Ballet and Popular Ensemble / Atelier 4
- Eco Park Durres (1st phase) / Casanova+Hernandez Architecten
- Tirana Business Center / Smart Studio
- DiliJazz Hotel & Restaurant / STUDIO-TA

- New Mozarteum Foyers / maria flöckner und hermann schnöll
- Townhouse Neubaugasse / PSLA Architekten
- Possibility space instead of building waste - Handelszentrum 16 / smartvoll Architekten
- Terra Mater / Berger + Parkkinen Associated Architects
- Cultural Pavilion Semmering / Mostlikely Architecture
- Mortuary / Moser und Hager Architekten
- Social Housing Aspern H4 / WUP architektur
- City boathouse / KUESS Architektur ZT
- Kiubo / Hofrichter-Ritter Architekten
- Vineyard Locknbauer / Mascha.Ritter
- Steirereck at Pogusch / PPAG architects
- TrIIIple Towers / Henke Schreieck Architekten ZT GmbH
- IKEA Vienna western station / IKEA – the good neighbour in the city / querkraft architekten ZT gmbh

- DUCHESSE. Reconversion of industrial buildings in residential units / NOTAN OFFICE
- Brussels Beer Project / OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen
- Fire Station, Multi-Purpose Space, and Emergency Housing / Studio SNCDA
- jtB house / BLAF architecten
- HONKHUIS - small-scale assisted living / 360 architecten
- Arthouse Timelab / a2o
- Open air swimming pool FLOW / POOL IS COOL, Decoratelier Jozef Wouters
- Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC) / Souto Moura - Arquitectos, SA, META architectuurbureau
- Hospital ZNA Cadix / Robbrecht en Daem architecten, VK architects+engineers
- Het Steen, Antwerp / noAarchitecten
- Amal Amjahid - community facility along the canal in Molenbeek / &bogdan
- Wetlands – Chevetogne / Atelier Paysage
- Share and Reuse Factory Kortrijk / ATAMA
- Residence ARC / Artau architectures
- Paddenbroek educational rural centre / jo taillieu architecten
- Cohousing Jean / ectv architecten Els Claessens Tania Vandenbussche
- Repurposing Winter Circus Mahy / SumProject, Atelier Kempe Thill, architects and planners, Baro Architectuur, aNNo architecten
- Karreveld / AgwA
Bósnia e Herzegovina

- Hiža Mišljenova House / Studio Entasis d.o.o.
- The Pidris Chapel interior / Josipa Skrobo
- The house in Klanac / Studio Entasis d.o.o.
- New building of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy / 4plus.arhitekti
- Ivo Andrić's birth house / Studio Zec, Ledić arhitektura

- MIR office building / bureau XII
- Karin dom / unas studio
- Private House in Sozopol / Simple Architecture
- Cultural Information Center "The Mill" / Studio Nada
- Renovation of Aleko Konstantinov street / Urbana Architects
- Buildings for ethnographic exibitions in the cultural and tourist complex Chengene skele / MOTTO architectural studio
- Conservation, restoration and socialization of the Central Mineral Bath "Bankya" / Georgiev Design Studio
- Campus 90 / E-Arch Studio

- Community Sports Hall / NOP Studio
- Reconstruction and extension of Primary School Ksaver Sandor Gjalski / Studio BF
- Lonja Wetlands Wildlife Observatories and Visitor Centre / roth&čerina
- Reconstruction of the Roman Theater / Studio Emil Jurcan
- RIDING HALL * Land Registry Department of the Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb / MORE arhitekture d.o.o.
- Tomac Winery / DVA ARHITEKTA
- Home for 'My Place Under the Sun' / ‘My Place Under the Sun’ team
- Kindergarten in Gornja Stubica / MVA / Mikelić Vreš Arhitekti d.o.o
- Black Slavonian eco pig farm / SKROZ d.o.o.
- Reconstruction of Providur's Palace / AB Forum

- Living in ‘Aphrodite’ / Yiorgos Hadjichristou Architects
- Domus Laetitiae / House in a Refugee Settlement / Studio Kyriakos Miltiadou
- House 0410 / Marios Christodoulides
- Nicosia Municipality Town Hall / Irwin Kritioti Architecture
- Archeological Sites of Paphos / Simpraxis, Π Square
- The Koulas Project / Alexis Papadopoulos Architectural Practice
- House in Olive Grove / Vardas Studio
República Tcheca

- Reconstruction of pavilion Z / A8000
- Low-threshold club / atakarchitekti
- Kloboucká lesní Company Headquarters / Mjölk architekti
- Research Library of South Bohemia Extension / Kuba & Pilař architekti
- Gočár's Gallery in Pardubice / TRANSAT architekti
- Kunsthalle / Schindler Seko architekti
- Lázně Bělohrad Town Hall / re:architekti
- IGI Vratislavice - Library and Community Center / atakarchitekti
- Plato Contemporary Art Gallery / KWK Promes

- FLUGT – Refugee Museum of Denmark / BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group
- Herning Folk High School / SLETH, HH Herning
- Stevns Klint Experience / Kristine Jensens Landscape, Praksis
- Egedammen Kindergarten / BBP Arkitekter
- ÅBEN Brewery / pihlmann architects
- Faber's Factories / Arcgency
- House of Martial Arts / entasis
- CODAN – Office and warehouse / Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter ApS
- Ilulissat Icefjord Centre / Dorte Mandrup A/S
- H.C. Andersen's House / Kuma & Associates Europe
- NEW AARCH / ADEPT, Danish Building and Property Agency, Aarhus School of Architecture, Rolvung og Brønsted Arkitekter, Vargo Nielsen Palle, A. Enggaard, TriConsult

- Woodwork and Technology Centre in Rakvere / KUU architects
- Tondiraba Park / AB Artes Terrae
- Restaurant 0 / kuidas.works
- Mustjala Retirement home and Daycare Center / molumba
- Son of a Shingle – Vaksali pedestrian bridge and underpasses / PART architects
- Viimsi Artium / KAVAKAVA

- Chappe Art House / JKMM Architects
- Academy of Fine Arts, Mylly / JKMM Architects
- Hopealaakso Daycare Centre / AFKS Architects
- Little Finlandia / Pikku-Finlandia Studio, Aalto University
- Ylivieska Church / K2S Architects Ltd
- Helsinki Airport Departures and Arrivals Building / ALA Architects Ltd.
- Dance House Helsinki / JKMM Architects, ILO arkkitehdit
- Serlachius Art Sauna / Mendoza Partida, BAX studio, Planetary Architecture

- Le Pont des Arts – Cultural Pole / V+ (Bureau Vers plus de bien-être), Atelier HART BERTELOOT ARCHITECTURE TERRITOIRE (HBAAT)
- EKKO / Duncan Lewis
- A common house / Plan Común
- From offices to housing: 112 Paris Street / La Soda
- Refurbishment and extension of a community swimming pool / RAUM
- The Montlaur nursery in Bonifacio / Buzzo Spinelli
- Extension and reconversion of an old farm house near the Gironde Estuary (FR) / Martin Migeon Architecture, Anouk Migeon Architecte
- Nursery 24-bed / Atelier Régis Roudil Architectes
- T16 / BAST
- The Forestry House / PAUEM atelier
- The Grand Bois House / MBL architectes
- The Vendegies-sur-Écaillon nursery school / Studio RIJSEL
- Early Childhood Facilities and a Garden / Nicolas Simon Architectes
- The Orangery - B2 block in Lyon Confluence / Clément Vergély Architectes, Diener & Diener Architekten
- School in Heudebouville – Normandy / HEMAA ARCHITECTES
- 8 Intermediate Social Housing Units / Atelier Régis Roudil architectes
- Performance Hall and Open Air Amphitheatre / K ARCHITECTURES
- THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY - Artist's Studio / Didier Fiuza Faustino // Mésarchitecture
- Média Library Charles Nègre / Beaudouin Architectes, Ivry Serres Architecture
- Jean Lamour Gymnasium / Studiolada Architects
- Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François / Amelia Tavella Architectes
- Learning Center for polytechnic University / Nicolas Laisné Architectes, DREAM, Sou Fujimoto Architects, OXO architectes
- UCPA Sport Station Bordeaux Brazza (The Sports Cathedral) / NP2F
- Morland Mixité Capitale / David Chipperfield Architects Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH
- Glass blowing and cultural center of Meisenthal / FREAKS, SO-IL

- Tbilisi Urban Forest (Narikala Ridge Forest) / Ruderal
- Betania Forest Garden / Ruderal

- BOB CAMPUS / raumwerk.architekten
- Machine Hall Irschenhausen / Florian Nagler Architekten GmbH
- Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany / Gustav Düsing & Max Hacke
- Munich Volkstheater / LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei
- Reorganization and refurbishment of Leeste cooperative comprehensive school / REMKE PARTNER INNENARCHITEKTEN mbB
- CampusRO / ACMS Architekten GmbH
- New construction of Kreisarchiv Viersen / DGM Architekten
- Karl's Eye Pavilion / Christoph Hesse Architects
- Extension Starnberg District Office / Auer Weber Assoziierte GmbH
- Ausbauhaus Südkreuz ("House to be extended") / Praeger Richter Architekten BDA
- Floating University Berlin / Floating e.V. Association
- EDGE Suedkreuz Berlin / TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten GmbH
- Building Community Kurfürstenstrasse / June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff
- Woof & Skelle: Building ensemble for social housing and kindergarten | Ellener Hof / ZRS Architekten Ingenieure, ZRS Architekten, ZRS Ingenieure
- Light Rail Tunnel / allmannwappner
- Kunstraum Kassel / Innauer Matt Architekten
- Dantebad II – Housing / Florian Nagler Architekten GmbH
- Calwer Passage / ingenhoven associates
- Spore Initiative / AFF Architekten
- Blue Hour at Spreepark / modulorbeat

- eLement – new office building / RS SPARCH
- The Seashore Rise / 314 Architecture Studio
- Louria / react architects, Kometka Architecture Studio
- Xerolithi / Sinas Architects
- Anatolia Elementary School / Morpho Papanikolaou|SPARCH architects
- The regeneration and reinterpretation of the Agora Modiano listed monument / Morpho Papanikolaou|SPARCH architects
- Ignatiou Apartment / Point Supreme
- Art 1 Offices / Neiheiser Argyros
- Liknon / K-Studio
- Homa Vagia Boutique Hotel / MOLD architects
- Vacation house in an oliveyard, Meganisi / Hiboux architecture

- Vizafogó Ecopark and Pavilion / Archikon, Objekt
- The new office building of Bánáti + Hartvig Architects / Bánáti + Hartvig Architects
- Nest Reformed Kindergarten in Debrecen / Bíró és Társa Építésziroda
- The Greek Catholic Museum of Nyíregyháza / Balázs Mihály Építész Muterme Kft., dmb műterem Ltd.
- Reconstruction of the Lehel tér metro station / sporaarchitects Ltd., Paragram
- Zalacsány Wellness Pavilion / Archikon
- Transformation of a 100-year-old fruit storage building / arkt studio, projectroom
- Summer House / Rapa Architects
- Trendo11 Apartment Building / LAB5 architects
- Zsuzsanna Kossuth Building of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Semmelweis University / Studio Fragment
- New market hall of Pécs / GETTO plan, SZTR studio

- Printmaking Studio, Grangegorman / Scullion Architects, Plus Architecture
- Electricity Supply Board Headquarters / Grafton Architects, O'Mahony Pike Architects
- Ballyblake House / Steve Larkin Architects
- Bottleworks / Henry J Lyons
- Annesley Gardens / Metropolitan Workshop LLP
- The Thatch / Karen Brownlee Architects
- Printing House Square / McCullough Mulvin Architects, O'Mahony Pike Architects
- Middleton Park Gate Lodge / TAKA
- Passage House / O'Donnell + Tuomey
- Writer's Room / Clancy Moore
- O'Devaney Gardens Regeneration Phase 1 / Dublin City Council - City Architects Department
- Ladyswell Square / ABK Architects
- Dominick Hall / Denis Byrne Architects, Cotter & Naessens Architects

- Luxottica Digital Factory / Park Associati
- Camplus San Pietro / Roselli Architetti Associati
- San Giacomo Apostolo Church and Parish Complex / Miralles Tagliabue EMBT
- Fieldhouse: sports amenity facility at the base of Mount Corno / MoDusArchitects
- Art Museum of Fondazione Luigi Rovati / Mario Cucinella Architects
- Anonima Agricola / Captcha Architecture
- Chronicle in Stone / MATT ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES, Ergys Krisiko Studio
- Wood and Straw House / Studio Albori
- Affordable Residential Towers / C+S Architects
- The Hole with the House Around / Elastico Farm
- Bivouac Fanton / DEMOGO studio di architettura
- Threshold and Treasure | ATIPOGRAFIA / AMAA - Collaborative Architecture Office For Research And Development
- Palazzo dei Diamanti renovation, restoration and redevelopment / Labics

- SHM House / G + A Architects
- Prishtina Business Center / LSN Architects
- AMC Multimedia / Maden Group

- Social Services Center PERLE / ĒTER
- Brewery 'Manufaktūra' / SAMPLING
- Ogre Central Library and marriage registry / Office PBR
- Ola Foundation / UPB
- Learning centre in Mārupe / Good Pattern
- AVOTI office building / MADE ARHITEKTI
- Science center VIZIUM / Arhitekta J. Pogas birojs, Audrius Ambrasas Architects

- Transformation of Soviet Kindergarten “Peledziukas” / DO ARCHITECTS
- Reconstruction of Vilnius central post office into ISM university / A2SM, Senojo miesto architektai
- Nemunas Island Bridge-Plaza / Isora x Lozuraityte Studio, Dominykas Daunys, About Architecture
- Pilaite high-school (gymnasium) in Vilnius / DO ARCHITECTS
- School reconstruction project / Senojo miesto architektai, Senojo miesto architektai
- house Krivis with gallery / Studija Lape
- Žalgiris arena multifunctional water sports centre / E. Miliūno studija
- Multifunctional hall on lake Zarasas island / Šarūno Kiaunės projektavimo studija
- Museum of Urban Wooden Architecture / JSC Vilniaus Planas
- “Lojoteka”. Educational Media Center / INBLUM architects, Senamiesčio projektai
- Family retreat house VASARA / HEIMA architects
- Aqua urban fabric SALOS-1 in Svencele / DO ARCHITECTS
- FF2 Optics House / Isora x Lozuraityte Studio

- E22SSPIU! / 2001
- Lodging in Lasauvage / Anouck Pesch Architecte
- Conversion of the Gonner House into a shelter / hsa - heisbourg strotz architectes
- "Repairing" Villa Kutter / DIANE HEIREND ARCHITECTES
- Domaine Claude Bentz / Studio Jil Bentz

- Casa Bottega / Chris Briffa Architects

- Betula Design Center / Studio Synthesis architecture & design
- House Lepetane / Enforma doo
- Visitor Center ''Đalovića Pećina'' / ARHINGinzenjering
- Bussiness Center "Glosarij" / Studio GRAD
- Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts / Studio GRAD
- Primary School "Novka Ubovic" / BIRO 81000
- Family house, Bigovo 3 / BiroVIA d.o.o
Macedônia do Norte

- BB House / BINA [bureau of inventive architecture]
- May Apartments / BMA - Besian Mehmeti Architects
- Showroom and distribution center with warehouse Balkanija / Syndicate Studio
- MAH House / PROXY
- Volkovo Kindergarten / Prima Inzenering
- CHP House / Attika Architects, Volart
- Villa for contemporary living / Biro 60B, Arhitektura Nova
Países Baixos

- Jonas / Orange Architects
- Little C / INBO, CULD (JVST + Juurlink & Geluk)
- HAUT Amsterdam / Team V Architectuur
- Renovation 94 houses Van der Pekbuurt Amsterdam / Ibelings van Tilburg Architecten
- Forest Bath Housing / Gaaga
- De Warren cooperative housing / Natrufied architecture
- Art Pavilion M. / Studio Ossidiana
- Museum Singer Laren / Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten BNA BV

- Haukeland Bybanen (light-rail train) station / 3RW Arkitekter AS
- Weekend house Hjeltnes / Knut Hjeltnes AS Sivilarkitekter MNAL
- Edholmen marina and restaurant / Jensen & Skodvin Arkitektkontor as
- The new National Museum in Oslo / Klaus Schuwerk Architect
- Extension to Raubergstølen Mountain Lodge / Jensen & Skodvin Arkitektkontor as
- Munch Museum / estudioHerreros

- Redevelopment and modernization of the National Library of Poland in Warsaw / Konior Studio Tomasz Konior, SOKKA Katarzyna Sokołowska
- Footbridge for bikes and pedestrians in Dobczyce / Biuro Projektów Lewicki Łatak
- Targ Blonie_Food Market / Pracownia Architektoniczna Aleksandra Wasilkowska
- Public multi-family housing assembly / PA+U Rafał Mazur, GDA ŁUKASZ GAJ
- School for children from Ukraine - adaptation of the floor in the office building. / xystudio
- LPP Fashion Lab - Fashion Laboratories Building / JEMS Architekci
- Warsaw Breweries / JEMS Architekci
- Miedzianka Shaft / KWK Promes
- Extension of the building of the State Music School in Jastrzębie-Zdrój with a concert hall. / SLAS architekci

- Escadinhas Footpaths / Paulo Moreira
- ESAP — Oporto School of Art / Cannatá & Fernandes
- House in Grândola / Bak Gordon Arquitectos
- General Silveira Building / ATA Atelier, ENTRETEMPOS
- Vincci Ponte de Ferro Hotel / José Gigante Arquitecto, Lda
- Square and Tourist Office, Piódão / Branco del Rio
- Campanhã Intermodal Terminal / Brandão Costa Arquitectos
- Rehabilitation of Cinema Batalha / Atelier 15, Arquitectura Lda.
- Monochrome Apartment / JCS ARCH+ – João Carmo Simões ARCHITECTURE +
- Andaluz Houses / PLCO arquitectos
- House in Santa Isabel / Domitianus Arquitetura, Lda
- House in Barreiro / Aires Mateus e Associados
- Praia do Canal Nature Resort / Atelier Bugio
- Rehabilitation of the Bolhão Market / Nuno Valentim, Arquitectura e Reabilitação, Lda

- House in Dumbrava Vlăsiei / Alt. Corp.
- Cities that Transform / VICEVERSA
- F.I.D. Football as Infrastructure of Democracy / Casa Jakab Toffler NGO, Atelier VRAC SRL, ISO Birou Arhitectura SRL, Atelier Olimpia Onci SRL
- Firefighters’ Tower / Vlad Sebastian Rusu Architecture Office, Octav Silviu Olanescu Architecture Office
- Nursery. 1306 plants for Timișoara / MAIO, Studio Nomadic, Studio Peisaj
- Constantin Brancusi Pavilion / DSBA
- Urban Spaces 5 / Sfinții Voievozi 20-24 Apartment Building / ADN Birou de Arhitectura
- Piscu School Museum and Workshop / ABRUPTARHITECTURA

- K26 Manhattan Concept / URED STUDIO, re:a.c.t
- Office building, multinational company campus NCR / ProAspekt
- Regional housing programme for refugees and displaced persons / 1X2STUDIO
- Central / Danilo Dangubic Architects
- Elementary School "Vera Miščević" / Studio A&D Architects
- Reconstruction of Fetislam Fortress / KOTO doo
- Mosque in Tupalla / G + A Architects

- Villa Bôrik / PLURAL, LABAK
- Uhrovec Castle – Operation building / ô, Slovak Technical University - Faculty of Architecture and Design - Institute of History and Theory of Architecture and Restoration of Monuments
- Conversion of Jurkovič Heating Plant National Cultural Monument / DF CREATIVE GROUP, PAMARCH, Perspektiv
- City Hall Leopoldov / zerozero
- Reconstruction and extension and of the Slovak National Gallery / Architekti B.K.P.Š.
- Jelšava cabins / 2021 Architects

- Covering the remains of the Church of St. John the Baptist in the Žiče Charterhouse / MEDPROSTOR, arhitekturni atelje d.o.o.
- A House for Modest Residence / Skupaj arhitekti, MKutin arhitektura
- Affordable housing neighbourhood Novo Brdo / Dekleva Gregorič Architects
- Open Library / ARP studio
- Revitalization of Old Glassworks and surrounding urban areas in old town of Ptuj / Elementarna, Kolektiv Tektonika
- Bohinj Kindergarten / KAL A, ARREA architecture
- Cukrarna / Scapelab

- El Tanque Garden / Fernando Menis slpu
- Sports Hall "La Unión" / NGNP Arquitectos, MLOPEZ arquitectos
- Garden house Extension and Reform in Between. In Between Houses, in Between Trees / BAILORULL
- House-Factory Natura Bissé / TDB ARQUITECTURA
- "Wildlife Observatory" in Los Pedroches / Rafael de La- Hoz Arquitectos
- House in Mojacar / Alberto Campo Baeza, Modesto Sánchez Morales
- LIVING IN LIME - 42 social housing in Son Servera / peris+toral.arquitectes
- Daily centre for young people with autism spectrum disorder / AV62 Arquitectos
- Llacuna Residential Building / ARQUITECTURA-G
- Casa B (also known as Villa B) / OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture
- 40 social apartments for rent / MAIO
- Fontán Building / Perea, Suárez y Torrelo, Arquitectos
- Toni Catany International Photography Centre / mateo arquitectura
- Synapse House / Baum Lab S.l.p.
- La Carboneria (Casa Tarrago). La rehabilitación del edificio más antiguo del Eixample / Office for Strategic Spaces (OSS)
- Passeig de Gràcia 109-111. Mandarin Residences & Casa Seat / OAB Office of Architecture in Barcelona
- Interpretation centre Castromaior / Carlos Pita
- Art School of Valladolid / estudio Primitivo González | e.G.a
- Municipal Pools in Castromonte / Óscar Miguel Ares. CONTEXTOS DE ARQUITECTURA Y URBANISMO
- Córdoba Public Library / Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos
- Social housing 1737 / HARQUITECTES
- "LaScalA” NSA6 100 social housing in Madrid / MARMOLBRAVO, MADhel
- New Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy / LLPS Arquitectos
- Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Town Hall of Fuentes de Andalucía / Laguillo Arquitectos
- Pallars 180 / BAAS arquitectura
- Landscape adaptation and intervention in the Almadraba of Nueva Umbría / Sol89
- Gabriel García Márquez Library / SUMA Arquitectura

- Liljevalchs+ / Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB
- House on a Hill / Tham & Videgård
- Gjuteriet/ Kjellander Sjöberg
- Merkurhuset / Bornstein Lyckefors Arkitekter - NOW: Olsson Lyckefors Arkitektur
- Meeting Place Mariatorget - S:t Pauls Church / Spridd
- Twelve houses / Förstberg Ling
- Hage / Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects, Price & Myers (civil and structural engineering)
- Sara Cultural Centre / White arkitekter

- The Screen / ARK-architecture, AUDA

- CO-HATY – pilot project of аdaptation of a vacant dormitory for IDP housing / Urban Curators, METALAB
- MOT (Module of Temporality) /balbek bureau
- Reitarska Circle / Emil Dervish
- Construction of the Center of Government Services in Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region, Ukraine / Anna Kyrii Architectural Projecting Group
- Dwelling house «Baltiyska Hall» / SHEREMETA ARCHITECT GROUP
- Club Town 12 / GaidART, Atelier Architecture+
- Temporary housing for refugees "Unbroken Mothers» / Sulyk Architects
- Katerynoslavski Residential complex / Filimonov&Kashirina Architects
- Office Center On 5 sq. Petrushevych in Lviv / Andriy Asanov architecture&design studio
- Fayna Town (stage 5) / Archimatika
- 13 Detached Family houses for IDPs in Staryy Bykov in Nova Basan community of Chernihiv region, Ukraine / District #1, Individual Intrepreneur Oleksandr I. Petrenko